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Don't Just Take Our Word For It!

Hear from your returning customers!

I was spending a small fortune every month on ergonomic accessories, wrist rests, and even considering ergonomic consulting to deal with the persistent aches in my wrists and fingers from typing. That's until I discovered this amazing keyboard. It's the perfect solution for eliminating all my typing-related discomforts with a brilliantly designed, hand-friendly layout that I can use with absolute ease. Considering the significant savings on not needing additional ergonomic gadgets, coupled with its 1-year warranty and 30-day money-back guarantee, this purchase was a no-brainer! I'm so glad I got mine—typing is a breeze now, and my hands have never felt better :)

Working at my computer for 6-8 hours each day had left me in a chronic cycle of wrist and finger strain, a direct result of poor typing posture accumulated over the years. Regular flare-ups of pain were my constant companions until I discovered this ergonomic keyboard. It's been a game changer for me. It sits right on my desk, aligning my hands and wrists in a comfortable, natural position that instantly eases discomfort and lets me focus on my work without the distraction of pain. I've found its design to be the perfect solution for long-term relief. I can't recommend it highly enough for anyone facing similar issues. Truly a desk essential!

After over a decade of working in construction, the physical toll on my body, especially my hands and wrists, has been undeniable. Years of manual labor have left me with frequent wrist pain, stiffness, and discomfort, making even simple tasks like typing a challenge. That’s when I decided to invest in this ergonomic keyboard. It's like the Nue Cup for my hands; keeping it at my desk provides instant relief and comfort. Just a short time typing on it and I can feel a significant reduction in pain and tension. For anyone who has suffered from similar issues due to their line of work or even from extended computer use, this keyboard has been a lifesaver.



All CraftyKeys products are backed with a 30 day money back guarantee and free shipping!

CraftyKeys orders are fulfilled and then shipped to anywhere around the world in an average 5-14 days.


Non-Toxic Materials:

We understand the importance of a safe working environment. Our keyboards are constructed from high-quality, non-toxic materials, ensuring that your health is never compromised.

Built-in Software for Healthy Habits:

With our exclusive software, receive timely reminders to take breaks, practice hand stretches, and maintain healthy typing habits. It's not just a keyboard; it's your wellness coach.

CraftyKeys is engineered to provide you with ALL the benefits of a traditional keyboard while offering the comfort and ergonomic support we all need. Forget about investing in expensive ergonomic accessories or professional consultations. The power to prevent and alleviate wrist and finger strain, and to promote a healthier typing posture. CraftyKeys product is effective in reducing discomfort, preventing repetitive strain injuries, and enhancing typing efficiency. It supports your natural hand position, lowers the risk of inflammation in the joints, and improves overall typing experience. With its design focused on user health, it's not just an input device; it's a wellness tool for anyone who types.


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